What are the motivation techniques?
Even if you already have motivation techniques that work, you can always add more motivation tools, or validate the motivation techniques you have.
Start with the thinking patterns before you review the motivation techniques, so you should be familiar with the following thinking patterns:
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Distorted Thought Patterns
These include all-or-nothing thinking, over-generalization, mental filtering, disqualification of the positive, jumping to conclusions, augmentation or minimization, emotional reasoning, “should” statements, mislabeling, and personalization.
Negative motivation patterns
These patterns include: Hopelessness, helplessness, overwhelming oneself, jumping to conclusions, self-tagging, underestimating rewards, perfectionism, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of disapproval or criticism, coercion and resentment, low frustration, tolerance, guilt and self-blame.
These patterns cause the mind to work against itself, including one’s vocabulary and thought patterns. Now that you have an idea of the thought patterns that can work against motivation, new motivation techniques are added below.
Keywords: Motivation techniques, thought patterns, negative motivation.
What are Motivation Techniques?
They are defined as techniques that increase the capacity of people, companies and organizations to maintain a positive attitude and enthusiasm in both work and personal growth activities.
The fact that a worker maintains over time a positive stimulus towards the tasks he or she performs is difficult. In this sense, the Human Resources departments have an arduous task, since, this need is increasingly perceived, so motivation techniques are frequently used.
Why are the techniques important?
These techniques help to overcome a variety of obstacles that people sometimes encounter in moving forward and performing activities. Whether they come from the environment or from themselves.
What are the most important motivational techniques?
Below are some of the most relevant motivation techniques:
Antiprocrastination sheet
This technique helps to improve your negative assumptions. To use it, it lists the tasks to be performed. You predict the difficulty and your satisfaction on a scale of 100. After completing the tasks, you write down your actual difficulty and your actual satisfaction.
Rebuttal Method
This technique is a way of dealing with the excuses you make when you convince yourself of things. For example, you could work on the “But” today. To use it, you write down the tasks you want to do. Then you write the “but” for excuses. Then, write a rebuttal for each excuse. This works because it gives you an answer to the excuses, rather than having to deal with them on the fly. It is also a way to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
You can’t lose the system
This technique is a way to combat their fear of failure. It works by listing fears, exposing distorted thinking, and identifying ways to deal with it. To use it, first, list your worst fears. Then, rationalize your list. Finally, identify coping strategies and emergency plans. By thinking on paper, you can be more objective about your fears, as well as more creative in terms of finding possible solutions.
Telling what counts
This technique is a way to improve self-confidence and remember the positive actions you take every day. To use it, simply use a wristwatch counter and click each time you take a positive action, or use a notebook and write it down.
As simple as this technique is, it has produced profound results time and time again. What it does is retrain the brain to pay attention to the positive actions you take each day, which are easy to overlook if you don’t count them. This gives a more balanced view and helps build confidence in your ability to perform actions.
Daily Activity Schedule
This technique is used to get out of a cycle of lethargy and get motivated again for the basic activity. To use it, the activities you plan to do during the day are listed. Identifying whether each activity is for mastery or pleasure. After the activities, rate them as 0 to 5, where 0 is low and 5 is high. This technique helps you find joy in the things you do and refocuses you on simple pleasures and simple mastery.
Disarmament Technique
This technique is to help respond to aggressive critics with advice. While critics may have good advice,
when you’re aggressive, it’s easy for you to push and cut off his nose to spite his face. Instead, to use this technique, you disarm the critics by agreeing with them, but then you take over the decision. If the critic is concerned about your well-being, this ends up being a victory.
Small steps for small feet
This technique is about dealing with overwhelming tasks or an overwhelming backlog. To use it, tasks are broken down. Think of them as small obstacles. Dividing a task into manageable units using time constraints For example, you can break them down into 20-minute tasks or 30-minute tasks. By breaking tasks down and using time boxes, it helps to take small steps so that important things are done gradually, rather than getting overwhelmed at first.
Motivation without coercion
This technique is about eliminating “homework”, “chores” and “duties”. The “musts”, “shoulds” and “shoulds” can be exhausted. Instead, rethink the tasks as you “want to”. The idea is to create a reward system rather than use a whip on yourself.
Pleasure Prediction Sheet
This technique is to help discover what activities you really enjoy and how much you enjoy them. To use it, write down the list of activities you will do for pleasure. Predict satisfaction on a 100-point scale. After the activity, record the actual satisfaction.
A lot of people hit themselves. This technique is all about helping you back yourself up. To use this technique, make a list of self-destructive expressions Next to each statement, write self-supporting statements. Do not underestimate accomplishments. Focus on accomplishments. This teaches you how to get up over time.
Test your brain
This technique involves testing negative assumptions. It is easy to fall into a pattern of thinking that you can’t do this or you can’t do that. This technique helps to prove it. To use it, you break down assumptions into small obstacles. You act and test against each of them, proving that you are right or wrong.
ICT-TOC Technique
This technique is to overcome the negative thoughts that prevent you from acting. To use it, first write down the negative thoughts that get in the way of your tasks. Then rationalize each element in an objective manner. Be sure to check for possible negative motivation patterns or distorted thought patterns. Finally, write the rebuttal next to each negative thought.
Visualizing Success
This technique consists of visualizing the prize. Instead of being motivated by a stick, the idea is to create a big, fat carrot. To use this, have a good image of the ending in mind. Below are the benefits of taking action for this outcome. Finally, repeat the benefits so you can easily remember them.
If you are not motivated, ask yourself, which of the techniques are you using to help you find motivation?