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Transcendent Motivation – Concept, Description and Uses

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What is Transcendent Motivation?

Transcendent Motivation refers to all those actions a person performs to be part of something, and to get involved with the company’s mission. This work motivation is altruistic, since it seeks the interests of the team, leaving individual interests in the background and what matters is what is best for the organization and contributing to the maximum, according to the possibilities of each one.

 Here you can see the motivation in the business

Concept of Transcendent Motivation

The principles of this motivation are in the beliefs, values and principles of the individual. Values such as friendship, solidarity or service are what create this attitude of benefit to others. These values give meaning to the task that the group and the work teams are going to carry out.

The motivation is transcendent and leads the business leader to go beyond himself, looking only for the benefit of his work group. For this reason, he looks for the other members to internalize the mission of the organization by helping all the members of the team to develop their potential. Therefore, the transcendent leader is aware of the importance of business leadership in motivating the performance of workers and the success of the company.

In the transcendent motivation he looks for to take care of the labor motivation to be able to orient the work of team and the direction of the company in a same direction. Therefore, it is important to know that there are techniques for work motivation and methods to improve the degree of employee involvement in the company.

Why is Transcendent Motivation important?

According to Maslow, self-transcendence gives the individual what he calls maximum experiences in which they transcend their own personal concerns and are seen from a higher perspective. These experiences often bring positive emotions such as joy, peace and a better developed sense of awareness. Someone who is highly self-transcending may also experience “plateau experiences” in which they constantly maintain and enter into a state of serenity and higher perspective.

Maslow adds self-transcendence to the pyramid but, it is not often seen in the literature when his theory is cited, yet it has managed to make room in the research community as it is being considered in various fields of research.

Uses of Transcendental Motivation

The transcendental motivation also called emotional is considered valuable to achieve a team spirit in the organization that transcends personal interests and, results in an advantage for the advancement of the business.

Although intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are important in the performance of teams, and are not considered as indicators in the progress of human resources, the trend in new business policies is to seek formulas that in addition to rewards, go beyond the economic and professional life.

Therefore, transcendent motivation is considered as the capacity to achieve a stronger bond between the employee and the company. Because, the objective of it, is to motivate the team to be part of a project, to achieve that their implication goes beyond their personal interests.

Therefore, the employee who carries out his work out of internal conviction, and not out of obligation, is considered to be giving his best within a good working environment favoured by the balance between the different types of motivations, whose purpose is that he develops his full potential.

What is Transcendent Motivation

A method through which it is possible to promote transcendental motivation is to delegate responsibilities, which leads to emotional motivations that promote job satisfaction, promote mutual trust and make employees feel important and necessary members of the system that must work in a coordinated manner, with a positive work climate in which it is easy for them to grow.

Therefore, the idea of promoting transcendental motivation is to ensure that workers reach their full potential by committing themselves to the company’s mission and leaving aside personal motivations.

In this way, a good delegation of responsibilities reinforces the conviction that they are valuable to the organization, because by delegating responsibilities within the organization chart designed to achieve goals and the achievement of large, long-term projects, transcendent motivation is being precisely promoted to achieve success. Because, workers feel part of the organization and are aware that their actions and performance are important to the operation and achievement of project goals.

In this sense, the delegation of responsibility helps to internalize the company’s mission and creates a relationship of trust that also contributes in an important way to the success of the project.