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Bollywood Dance Academy Business – Entrepreneurship, Costs and Tips

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Start a Bollywood Dance Academy

Born in the 1970s, i.e. still in its infancy, the term Bollywood merges the cities of Bombay and Hollywood to create a film and dance concept unknown to the Western world. For this reason, and in order to bring a culture as ancient as it is fascinating directly to the West, we propose that you open your own Bollywood Potencies Dance Academy, a business with all the advantages.

You can find out here all the different businesses related to education

Objectives of a Bollywood Dance Academy

When we start working at a Bollywood Dance Academy, we are faced with a way of being. The dance becomes a means to transmit one’s own expressiveness and individual power, in order to transmit a culture whose roots are older than we can imagine.

In this way, it becomes clear that the work objectives are not centred exclusively on dance, but on everything that surrounds the concept of Bollywood: energy, respect, group unity, teamwork, body decoration, culture. Each of these elements forms a pillar that is impossible to avoid when transmitting what the Bollywood is.

Profile of a Person in Charge of a Bollywood Dance Academy

The person in charge of a Bollywood Dance Academy will be someone who, having been in direct contact with the discipline in India itself, since what must be transmitted in each encounter, transcends the techniques of the class itself. Therefore, if you want to undertake this fascinating business and have not had the opportunity to live and take Bollywood classes in India, the best thing to do is to contact someone who has had the opportunity to do so and who is enthusiastic about the idea of teaching this discipline.

Start a Bollywood Dance Academy

Requirements for Setting up a Bollywood Dance Academy

Teacher: as we said, you need a teacher who understands, has experienced and wishes to transmit Bollywood through dance.

Local: the more spacious it is, the better, as it is a group dance, so everyone should be dancing at the same time and have the space to do so.

Decoration and Ambience: as important as the space in the venue, is the ambience you can give to the site, as it will be like transporting the dancers to that place so emblematic of India where everything arose.

Equipment: equip your place with mirrors, floating floors, audio and music equipment, which should be used in the heart of Bombay to perform the musical scenes of Bollywood films.

How to Get Students for your Bollywood Dance Academy

Now comes the part where you’ll start making your Bollywood Dance Academy profitable. There are several ways you can become a client. The main thing to keep in mind is that it is a mainly female dance, although some men practice it, so you must motivate them to come.

Then, certain advertising campaigns, either in magazines or through flyers, will be some of the channels to invite people to become your clients.

Finally, you can encourage word of mouth, generating promotions for students who are attending, bringing friends, family and neighbors through an infallible 2×1.

Problems that can occur at Bollywood Dance Academy

As this style of dance is exotic and satisfies only one concept of the dance which is Arabic dance, you may have problems at the beginning to attract customers, you must be careful of the area where the academy is established, so that the users of the centre can easily reach it giving the business a quicker boost.

This type of business will always make use of a large space for dance instruction so in the beginning if you do not have enough money it can be a challenge to acquire the ideal space to carry out the activities of the academy.

Advantages of having a Bollywood Dance Academy

Dance is a highly sought after activity and enjoyed by modern society, especially because it seeks to exercise, distract or perform under the challenge of opening up professionally, which makes the dance academy an excellent business with the possibility of acquiring excellent profit margins.

The Bollywood dance academy is unique in its class, so if the user is looking to learn this type of dance, this is the only place where he will find it, giving this business an exclusive character in terms of learning a favorite and exotic art.

Advantages of having a Bollywood Dance Academy

Success stories of Bollywood Dance Academy

Dorisha, is an academy of Arabic dance, Bollywood, Belly dance, Pilates and tribal, which was born from the inspiration of the creator with the Egyptian culture, Arabic and Hindu, founded in 2000, this school has since been dedicated to training thousands of aspiring Bollywood and other aspects that dance

Arab has with him, proving in a good way the effectiveness of this business.

The business has a dedicated space, to instruct its aspirants in the best way, seeking the highest standards of quality in teaching, so that the customer has always been satisfied and has effectively acquired the knowledge and skills that need to be learned in Arabic dance.

Tips for starting a Bollywood Dance Academy

Trying to train yourself in the best way is a good advice to start, so that you acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to teach the art of Arabic dance. It is also recommended to surround yourself with other instructors who help to improve the pedagogy of the school and cover more dance classrooms.

Try to acquire a space big enough to accommodate a minimum of people to start, once the business takes strength consider moving to a larger space, sometimes start with a very large space that you will not need at first due to the initial influx of students that can be low, look for the largest shed starting is not the most advisable, so it is convenient a reasonable space to start.