Opening a Dance Academy to the sound of music
A dance academy can become, step by step, the profitable business you have been looking for for a long time.
See here the main education businesses
The Dance is as old as the Human Being himself, that is why we carry it in our roots and it will always be so. Ritual dances evolved until they reached the Classic Ballet and finally ended up in the different dances of today.
Do you want to find out how a dance academy can be the business of your dreams? Read on and find out.
What you need to open a dance academy
You’ve already decided: you’re going to set up a dance academy. It’s time to plan everything you need to make your steps into a very profitable business:
Local: the first thing is to find out where your classes will be held. It is important that the premises are located in a central area, that is to say, of easy access. Another important factor is that the space is large. Take into account that dancing pushes our bodies to the limit, but surely students will not want to collide with someone else’s limit. So look for a spacious place and preferably with several spacious rooms to work simultaneously on several styles.
Equipment: now that you have found your place, you must equip it. The first thing is a good music system with speakers that make the chords resound in the most remote corners of the place. Then, you should think about the mirrors; ideally, the whole front of the room should be covered by mirrors and, if possible, the sides as well.
Floors: they are fundamental, since they will determine the safety of potential dancers. The dance has a lot of return impact, so care must be taken to ensure that each jump is cushioned. You achieve this with a floating floor, which absorbs the force of the blows, both involuntary and voluntary in the Classic and Contemporary Dance.
Canteen: Whoever goes to a dance academy probably loves the Dance, and whoever loves it, can spend hours practicing it. Therefore, a cafeteria service with some healthy snacks to recover energy, will always be welcome by the unstoppable dancers.
Activities of a Dance Academy
Your dance academy is open and equipped. Have you thought yet about the classes you will give, who will give them and how to get students? Pay close attention, then:
Types of classes: classes should range from classical dance to modern urban styles, including jazz, contemporary, leeder, double step, tango, lemon, graham, salsa, merengue, bachata… the list goes on and the dancers don’t stop.
Groups by age: divide your groups of students into children, teenagers, young people and adults. A very common mistake is to include from 16 onwards the group of adults. This definitely doesn’t work for the simple reason that there are people in their 50s and above who love to dance, but not next to a 16-year-old with all the power and adrenaline pumping out of his heart. Assigning people to your group according to their age will make your dance academy the best choice. If you want to motivate your staff more and make students create more bonds with their teachers, hire a teacher who can give you several rhythms, so the teacher will be happy to have several hours in one place. Speaking of numbers, it’s essential that you pay your salary on time.
Schedules: Organize schedules strategically. Adults and teenagers in the morning and afternoon, children when they leave school and young people at night. Of course these are standard suggestions, you will find out the best times for your groups of students yourself.
Get students: It’s time to get students to come to your dance academy, so I recommend that you send out attractive flyers and open a Facebook account, where you can add friends and notify them of your news and promotions.
Requirements to start in a dance academy
Firstly, it is to have certification and formal knowledge about the professional dance career, so that one can have complete credibility about the experience behind the institution and its accreditation.
The business should be focused on the services you want to provide in the dance field, so that there are multiple levels of learning from beginner to professional dance.
Have a physical platform large enough to teach and rehearse with the dance groups, in addition to having the appropriate environment, such as stretching tools, equipment to support the dancer, mirrors, music, acoustic work for the space, installation of areas of clothing among other basic services that must have the physical platform of the campus for dance education.
Tips for starting a dance academy
Surround yourself with people who breathe the field completely, who are focused on always improving in what they do so that the academy infuses that positive message always into the students, plus the constant inspiration needed to improve in techniques, body language articulation and presentation in the play.
Always try to have a good sound system, this will help to inspire good exercises and rehearsals in the school, as well as good acoustic work so that the sound is spread well in the study space during practice.
Always be attentive to new information, art forms that take strength in the society that represents great interest to the public, this will help to be always innovative in the services, always without forgetting the old customs and modes of dance already existing in the history of modern art.
Advantages of having a dance academy
It is a business that maintains health, because of its physical activity and search for good nutrition, in addition to the weight control product of the effort that is produced daily in training, which indicates that this is a business that keeps people young.
Due to the perpetual need of people to learn to dance, the academy can represent a place that receives many clients, which means a good margin of profit, in addition this is a business that does not depend on seasons or seasons to function.
Problems that can arise
There will always be people enthusiastic about learning to dance or focusing more actively on it, however, starting this business can be a little slow, so you must have patience while the management of the company is taking reputation and reputation for service.
This is a business that requires experience and people with a vocation to help provide a detailed and careful service in proportion to the need of the school user, so getting these types of people can sometimes be a challenge.
Success stories of a Dance Academy
A success story as far as dance academy is concerned is the campus of professional studies of body movement art, called Esart, this academy has trained and presented to thousands of professionals every year in multiple subjects of the arts, now one of its most outstanding departments is the dance department, proving to be an academy that covers the highest standards of the industry.
This academy treats its students with its own philosophy that focuses on their students and daily behavior, coupled with fundamental criteria of self-determination, leadership and constant advice from the teachers around the student.
who breathe the field completely, who are focused on always improving in what they do so that the academy infuses that positive message always into the students, plus the constant inspiration needed to improve in techniques, body language articulation and presentation in the play.
Always try to have a good sound system, this will help to inspire good exercises and rehearsals in the school, as well as good acoustic work so that the sound is spread well in the study space during practice.
Always be attentive to new information, art forms that take strength in the society that represents great interest to the public, this will help to be always innovative in the services, always without forgetting the old customs and modes of dance already existing in the history of modern art.
Advantages of having a dance academy
It is a business that maintains health, because of its physical activity and search for good nutrition, in addition to the weight control product of the effort that is produced daily in training, which indicates that this is a business that keeps people young.
Due to the perpetual need of people to learn to dance, the academy can represent a place that receives many clients, which means a good margin of profit, in addition this is a business that does not depend on seasons or seasons to function.
Problems that can arise
There will always be people enthusiastic about learning to dance or focusing more actively on it, however, starting this business can be a little slow, so you must have patience while the management of the company is taking reputation and reputation for service.
This is a business that requires experience and people with a vocation to help provide a detailed and careful service in proportion to the need of the school user, so getting these types of people can sometimes be a challenge.
Success stories of a Dance Academy
A success story as far as dance academy is concerned is the campus of professional studies of body movement art, called Esart, this academy has trained and presented to thousands of professionals every year in multiple subjects of the arts, now one of its most outstanding departments is the dance department, proving to be an academy that covers the highest standards of the industry.
This academy treats its students with its own philosophy that focuses on their students and daily behavior, coupled with fundamental criteria of self-determination, leadership and constant advice from the teachers around the student.