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Women’s Self Defense School Business – Organization

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Start a Women’s Self Defense Business

Today, self-defence has gone from being a luxury to a necessary activity, due especially to the level of violence that has been achieved against gender, especially sentimental violence involving intolerance, disrespect, among other agents. A woman can know how to stop violent action against her if she knows about self-defense techniques that allow her to react to this type of imminent situation and thus protect her moral and physical integrity.

Offering this type of service will allow women to defend themselves in the face of an attack and reduce the alarming statistics of deaths of women that we have been adding in recent years.

If you have experience in this kind of self-defense disciplines, know people who perform it or want to learn, and besides this you want to offer this service to women, then this business idea could come very well for you. Here we tell you everything you need to know to get started:

Services you will offer

In this area, we could choose from a variety of services including: basic self-defense, fitness, martial arts, kick boxing, among others.

However, we could also add some other services in which women feel more supported to overcome and face this type of cases of physical and moral violence such as legal advice, psychological assistance, communication of women’s rights, among others.

Start a Women's Self Defense Business

Target audience

The female sector can be very diverse, so I recommend that you focus on young and adult women who have gone through this type of situation or who want to prevent this type of action against them with these types of techniques and support. You will find this type of public related to foundations and groups to support women heads of households, for example, as well as other women who have had these experiences.

Business location

You can locate yourself in areas near gyms or other martial arts schools where interested women can read your business and get interested, as well as places where women attend regularly. Remember that you must have considerable space so that, as the women’s self-defense school grows, you can have enough space to teach the classes comfortably. Don’t forget an office area for counseling and service to women.

Equipment and work material

Another point you should consider is the implements you need to offer the service, such as mats, equipment for activities and exercises, mirrors, storage areas for personal items, area for refreshments, as well as administrative and office items, chairs, tables, desks, a computer, a box, a phone, etc.

School staff

Clearly with this type of business you are going to need people to take over different areas of the business. For example, you’ll need someone to teach the classes, who should be a professional, a lawyer or a psychologist who can advise the women, cleaning and administrative staff, and customer service personnel.

Preparation of the entrepreneur

As a business owner, you need to have knowledge in all areas that you will manage in the school, from the resource management area, such as the class process and some knowledge in it so that you can supervise very well each area of the business.

Legal aspects of the school

Like any other business in the market, we need to have the necessary permits and licenses to start the school. This includes having a name for your business on which the permits will be documented, as well as a license to provide legal services and other activities and services you offer within your business.

Business Promotion

Starting to promote the business is one of the most complex tasks but also one of the most vital for the school, since it depends on it that we have our first clients in a short time. This is known by the big businessmen. So, how do you start promoting it? Well, you have several options, such as gyms, foundations, women’s groups, etc.

Use both traditional and digital advertising media. By this I mean that you don’t just limit yourself to the much used flyers, but also that you participate in social network groups where you have your own page to offer your service and a website where all the interested parties can enter to see what you do.

Investment capital

The amount of investment we need can vary from one aspect to another, according to how you want to build your business. Basically what you need to establish the investment budget, is make a business plan. It is a document in which you gather in a specific way how many chairs you are going to need, tables, equipment, personnel, purchase of premises or rent, desks and space you are going to need to start your business, this way you will be able to have more concrete figures.

Requirements for Women’s Personal Defense

First, you must have knowledge of self-defense and training in combat systems and exercises that will help correctly instruct the business user. You must also have support personnel for the development of training activities to improve the experience and cover more clients to the instruction.

Having a physical space large enough for instruction, this space will help distribute users by degree of instruction, and thus be able to classify those who advance and can receive more advanced classes.

Advantages of having Women’s Self-Defense

The advantage par excellence is the knowledge of personal defense that will help you to counteract in case of emergency safeguarding your physical or patrimonial integrity depending on the case, in addition a civic service is being provided by instructing women to defend themselves against abuses of any kind that they may receive in society.

It is a business that is dedicated to the pursuit of exercise and good health, so it is a business that helps keep her young and active for years, it is also a business that only requires knowledge and space for instruction so it can be very easy to mount.

Requirements for Women's Personal Defense

Success Stories of Self Defense for Women

One success story is women’s self-defense, an organization that educates young people for self-defense. This business cooperates with multiple nonprofit organizations to assist, defend, support and instruct in self-defense for women victims of gender violence.

This school, in addition, has contact with the most outstanding schools of martial arts in Spain, who design and innovate progressively, methods of self-defense for the context and physicality of women, so that they can best defend their physical space if necessary or during a time of emergency, crisis and anti society.

Obstacles that may arise

Many women still do not know this important need and what it can mean for their integrity to learn what you are going to offer, so it is necessary that you wake up and promote the importance of these activities for women, in addition to the accompaniment service, because you will surely meet women in very difficult situations.

Final recommendation

It is a business that little is known about, so you must do a hard job in advertising it and publicizing an activity that will greatly help all women who are seeking help to stop this type of situation that has done so much damage to gender. Therefore, it will surely be a highly satisfactory work because of the help it represents and because it is your own profitable business.