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Design and manufacture of dental prostheses – Manufacture, procedure and more

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Start in the Design and Manufacture of dental prosthesis

Dentists need a supplier to make the dentures they need, because they usually do not have the time or infrastructure to do so, so they order them. That is when we advise you: make your own dentures and start your own profitable business.

Know here all the businesses related to health

Types of dentures

There are several types of prosthesis according to the amount of teeth to be covered. The main ones are:

Complete dentures: these are removable pieces that can be unimaxillary (for the lower or upper jaw) or bi-maxillary (for both jaws). It manufactures complete dental prostheses for patients who have lost all of their teeth in one or both jaws.

Fixed dental prosthesis: also known as implants, they are placed by means of a metal pin, which is embedded in the gum and complemented with the visible piece, which is a ceramic tooth. Partial dental prosthesis: they are removable appliances, unimaxillary (for the lower or upper jaw) or bi-maxillary (for both jaws). It manufactures partial dentures for patients who have lost some teeth, but keep others intact, which will serve as support for the partial dental prosthesis. It is supported from the teeth by means of a hook; they can be totally acrylic or have a metallic skeletal frame.

Manufacture of dental prosthesis

Procedure for making dental prostheses

These are the steps you must follow to be able to make dental prosthesis:Impression: this phase corresponds to the dentist, who will take an impression in clay inside a metal mold in the shape of a crescent, which covers the upper and then the lower jaw.

Size: plaster of Paris is poured into the mold and is expected to dry and thus obtain the first model from which to take out custom trays.

Second impression: the same tray used previously is used, filling it with clay and making another mould, which once dry, is checked for accuracy. Then the patient bites on a flat strip and there you can see how the teeth are joined and closed. At this stage the size of the teeth is measured and the colour is decided.

Assembled molds: the plaster of Paris is used to create the two jaws hooked together, in order to verify that their bite coincides with that of the wax strips.

Gums and teeth: the prosthesis is made with a pink wax, which is opened with a hot knife once it is cold and hard, in order to place the teeth.

Sending for the first test: the time has come to send the total prosthesis to the dentist so that he can carry out the first test and, at the end of the process if it was good, or mark the adjustments and corrections if they correspond.

Design Materials and Dentures

The materials used to make dental prostheses are basically three: metal, resin and ceramic.


In the past, the star metal for bridges and crowns was gold. While its use has not been eradicated today, certain alloys have apparently taken its place. The most common and used are: silver-palladium; chrome-cobalt; chrome-nickel. Other metals used are: titanium, alumina and zirconium.


Also called porcelain, it is obtained by exposure to heat in a kiln. It is a material of mineral origin, characterized by being hard, fragile and rigid.

There are several types of ceramics, which are classified according to their melting temperature (high or low) or by their chemical composition (feldspar and alumina).

It makes ceramic dental prostheses, as it gives the false tooth a very similar appearance to the natural one.

Requirements to start in Design and Manufacture of dental prosthesis

A dental prosthesis factory is defined as a space for designing, preparing, manufacturing, modifying and repairing dental prostheses and orthodontic appliances.

As it is a single establishment, which is run by a qualified dental technician, it must have both the materials and the specific safety and hygiene measures.

It is also required to have a degree in Superior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, which is indispensable to begin with, in addition to working within the legal framework and also being a member of the association.

Advantages of having a Design and Manufacture dental prosthesis

This is a business that gives the investor a lot of autonomy because generally, he is the one who does the work as well as running his business. It allows you to work independently, receiving projects from dental centres and dental professionals, with whom you work together.

Tips to start a Dental Design and Manufacture

One of the key aspects of a denture factory is safety in the laboratory, which must be extreme. Therefore, from

the personnel who manufacture them, the dentist who handles them and the patients who wear them must be completely safe. In addition, there is a protocol to be followed that is determined by national legislation.

Therefore, a fire protection system must be in place, with fire extinguishers and precise signs throughout the premises. The general biosafety regulations must also be complied with, as well as general safety and occupational risk regulations in the prosthetics laboratory.

Likewise, sterilization and disinfection procedures should be carried out in the laboratory, with periodic revisions and maintenance. Similarly, compliance with these regulations must be ensured, since it is essential for good professional performance, in order not to put workers or patients at risk.

Success stories of Design and Manufacture of dental prosthesis

A successful company that includes dental mechanics, is, which is a company with extensive operations in the health and beauty sector, positioning itself as the leader in the dental sector.

It offers entrepreneurs, investors and professionals who want to enter the field of dental business the possibility of providing a comprehensive service, covering all areas that handle this sector and allow patients to meet their needs in dental matters with the support and hands of a network of professionals and experts.

Problems that may arise in Design and Manufacture of dental prosthesis

One of the problems is the bureaucracy, it is to start a professional activity that requires the processing of documents with the administration. The best advice is to leave this whole process in the hands of a professional agency.

However, for guidance purposes, some of the procedures are mentioned, such as registration of the activity with the tax authorities, payment of business tax, the procedure for registration with the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), the local council’s licence to open the premises, the opening letter, the building licence, among other procedures.