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Patenting a Fitness System – Training, Process and Considerations

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Patenting a Fitness System, how to start?

The revolutionary jazz gymnastics classes were already in the past, in that prodigious decade called “the 80s”, to give way to different body training systems that attack the different health problems and beautify the body. Just as Les Mills launched his Body System, with all its modalities of Body Pump, Body Combat and Body Jump, Radical made known a system that mixes several areas of body work in one class, until finally the CrossFit came to revolutionize the world of Fitness. Therefore, you can be the next one to launch and patent a Fitness System that exclusively combines the elements known until now or, why not? create a new modality that breaks with the known and presents something totally new.

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Why Patent a Fitness System?

Fitness is a broad concept that encompasses all types of physical training and is focused on well-being through health and body beauty. In the eighties and based on military training, aerobic gymnastics arose, and later branched out into jazz gymnastics, incorporating music into gymnastics classes. In the nineties, Gin Miller, after suffering a knee injury, designed more than two hundred ways to go up and down the stairs, since that was the therapy he had to do to cure himself. A year later he sold the idea to Reebok and today step is part of every gym’s fitness program.

The story went on and Les Mills brought the weights into the gym room, coordinating them with the music, and later designed other training systems for different purposes. Later on, the famous Radical, Crossfit, Zumba and Power Rumba arrived, all of them in charge of different professionals who, after investigating the market, the needs and the possibilities, decided to patent a Fitness System and ended up becoming famous and increasing their bank account quantitatively. Do you want the same for yourself? We tell you how to do it.

Considerations for Patenting a Fitness System

Before patenting a Fitness System you should investigate the market and see what is being offered at the moment, what results it is focused on and who is offering it. In turn, you must get the information about what response is being obtained from the public of each of the systems.

On the other hand, it is necessary to know what are the most common health problems that societies are suffering today and how exercise can reverse them. For example, if you are suffering from joint problems, you must look for a training system that favours the creation, or at least the non-destruction, of creatine and synobial fluid.

Once you have devised your training plan, you should test it with a certain number of people, to whom you will tell that you are trying something new, and you should examine them before and after a certain amount of time of having trained with your system. Finally, you will be ready to patent a fitness system and launch it to the market.

Requirements to set up this type of Fitness System

In the sports sector there are many ways to make people perform physical activity, many trainers have chosen to patent their own fitness system, now this is not an easy task, there are already many methods to get in shape so it must engage in extensive research to innovate in a good way the fitness method.

Training in sport and multiple exercise methods is vital for innovation, so it becomes a prerequisite to train in the world of fitness first and thus analyze what exists and what does not.

Secondly, once the method has been developed, legal support must be sought in terms of patents, until that moment the system cannot be taught or used, otherwise its method can be copied without any legal consequences.

Patenting a Fitness System

Advantages of having Fitness System

It is a model that keeps the employer young and healthy, and once the patent is created, one should only wait for the benefits that this model represents, making this business a relatively easy way to make money. Furthermore, if one has extensive contact with the world of fitness, it can become an exciting business model that shapes very active lifestyles, promoting health and a largely family environment.

This type of business does not demand large investments in infrastructure so it can be developed in any open or closed environment, even at home, only requires a desire to work and research, representing a great advantage when developing this business with little money.

This model is as dynamic as its creator wants it to be, establishing this business model as one very create

creative, a very advantageous factor when it comes to stimulating the desire to work and create, moulding a constructive and fun space.

Tips to start in Fitness System

Getting as much training as possible in effective fitness training methods, so that you can master the necessary knowledge and mould it into new, patentable models, so that you can get the benefits that this figure represents. Surrounding yourself with enthusiastic fitness fans can also provide you with a great deal of knowledge necessary for this type of business.

During the development stage of the method, it is advisable to be careful with the space where it is developed, if the method becomes very effective and successful at the time of development, other observers may have the initiative to steal the idea, so you must be careful with privacy when developing the fitness method.

Success stories

Brooklyn Fitboxing is a successful company with its patented fitness system, which begins its expansion into five new markets in 2019, with a growth process towards countries like the United States, Italy, Holland and Belgium, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom and France. With growth plans, also towards Latin America adding Mexico and Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru, where it already has presence.

Brooklyn Fitboxing’s particular training system is based on a routine that combines boxing and martial arts strikes with functional training. The bags are equipped with sensors that allow the trainer to monitor individual performance.

Problems that can occur in Fitness System

Patenting a fitness system like we talked about before is not an easy task, developing an effective exercise system can present a real challenge, so you must be very well trained and informed about what methods work and what doesn’t, which can consume a lot of time before you see any gains.

Patents have an exclusivity figure on the method for a period of time, patents are not eternal so once the exclusive rights end you must seek to generate other methods and re-patent, a situation that can represent a real problem given the circumstance and time of the patent.

Legal services are never economic, so you must have enough capital to pay for the diligence and practice of the patent attorney, if you do not have enough resources this factor can represent a real problem.