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Neighborhood Magazine Business – Birth, Requirements and Operation

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Start in the business of a neighborhood Magazine

The neighborhood magazines play the role of advertising in a compact, easy-to-carry around, almost ‘pocket’ could say, businesses and services provided in an area of ​​about fifteen or twenty blocks around.

It has great potential to be a profitable business if properly handled; their success is based on proper management of selling advertising supported in an issue of quality and good distribution, to the fact that there is no physical place especially since every company needs to keep advertise butt and grow.

Want to know more about how to launch your own magazine? Stay until the end to know everything.

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First steps of a neighborhood magazine

Before you start posting need to define the concept of the magazine. With this we refer to you must select the theme of your magazine and for that you can take into account several areas that subsequently become part of it, such as sports, social networking, fashion, general news involving the community , etc. In this sense you can ask who your target audience. Ideally, the different types of content of the magazine is able to catch the interest of different people through their variety.

Planning the content involves magazine consider several aspects for content, including histories, research, news, reviews, interviews, problems of the sector, positive news in cultural areas and / or sports, so the format because it can be written or shown from photographs.

This first design should take the step to come later editions, however, is crucial to evaluate the perception and the impact of the first release for the answer of the public.

First steps of a neighborhood magazine

Operation of a neighborhood magazine

It is a type of publication with varied content of interest to a specific community or neighborhood, depending on their needs, preferences and other characteristics. In many cases, these magazines, in order to have funding and continue to operate, are used as a resource to help entrepreneurs in the sector and even advertise that already exist to improve performance.

This is how this business idea aims to create a magazine that can be kept in operation with advertising entrepreneurs and traders established as well as publish content of interest to the community.

Why launch a neighborhood magazine?

This is the first question you need to answer and so we several reasons, such as to gain knowledge in the community, because it is an easy guide to carry and everyone can have it in your wallet. You can take from home and manage advertising for other merchants to grow their businesses.

Requirements of a neighborhood magazine

The first is to count on personnel knowledgeable of the subject, including: content creators and designers. These two profiles of professionals will be key to creating a neighborhood quality magazine.

Contact an imprint of which have good references in terms of quality, communication and enforcement because it may depend largely on your business. The press will tell all specifications regarding printing, where conditions of release included depending on size and extension, among other key issues.

Before launching your magazine, in the process of research must include a market study that will provide concrete data to start creating content zero. Thus this study will let you know who your core competence, identify the type of audience that you read the topics that matter most to the community, businesses that put them interested in advertising there, among other important aspects.

How much do I need to throw?

The most important element of investment you have to do to build a neighborhood magazine is time. Take time to explore and offer merchants the ability to publish in your magazine as well as need time to introduce the magazine to the public, exposing the arguments which must publish in your neighborhood magazine and then follow up.

The first time you go to offer the product, or your magazine, need to take a sample of the paper on which your magazine is printed, as the customer will want to see the quality in which your company will appear in the eyes of their customers .

Other investment, has to do with hiring staff working with you, because if you encargarás part of the tasks, you’ll need at the least have someone who can take care of the rest and it also involves a sum of money. Finally, the largest monthly investment is you should do with the press that copies are published. While not cheap, because quality is essential and pays well, recover the money with ads arming rising to a neighborhood magazine.

Do not forget…

Before launching your magazine should create a simple website at this stage, where visitors can view samples of the publication that you do, its contents and others, before purchasing. From there you can have another point of view in front of the comments and criticisms of virtual readers to improve and align your content.

Tips for launching a neighborhood magazine

Tips for launching a neighborhood magazine

For publication of advertisements, it is necessary contracts with merchants, so you’ll need legal advice for these documents and avoid any kind of misunderstanding.

The distribution of the magazine should be done at key points not only to grab as many people as possible, but also to locate people who will want to have it more often given the special content to which we focused. So, you can distribute the magazine neighborhood commercial businesses, medical offices, schools, community centers, churches, plazas and other pedestrian spaces with high flow.

It is very important and will help to improve every step, keep track of the response and the effects of launching your magazine. Should not only keep track promotions, advertising and other content that yields good results, but also the issues that interest the community less at this early stage. Pay close attention to the comments, because although you can not please everyone, it is best to consider those that occur most often.

Weak points:a neighborhood magazine still stands, we will not win the profitability we want if we limit ourselves or we settle for a standard result, so the income scale may not be reflected. Ideally is innovative and interesting enough to keep growing in preference and purchase.

Note that in a short time may not see the results you expected, especially because it is not a form of entrepreneurship so well known and many people prefer to check your phone if you want to find out what happens. Here the importance of offering quality content they will not find in other spaces.

Points in favor: You become your own boss and you can forget times, and you do not need an open office at a certain time, but your only responsibility with respect to time is to meet publication in a timely manner. On the other hand, you can take from the comfort of your home.

Success stories

To learn more about running businesses like these that are based on marketing and advertising, and observe the performance that can be achieved, we leave the list with the most important companies in the sector that take as a reference point because they are leaders in the market and realize that you can achieve success.

Start today to discover the interests of the neighborhood where you are going to locate and start designing your own neighborhood magazine to start making money with a business idea underinvestment.