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Your own call center – Entrepreneurship, Advice and Advantages

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Start with your own call center 

The international type of commercial call shops and Internet, well known as locutorios, are one of the most controversial, attractive but also discredited businesses in Spanish commerce. This is due to the fact that many entrepreneurs who start up with this business do not have a first-hand understanding of how the activity works and how it can be run.

Main and best local store businesses here

So that this does not happen to you if you are thinking of opening your own call center step by step as a profitable business, I invite you to read this section in which while I explain how to start, I also give you some tips to apply in the process.

Define the activity

As we know, the call shop offers the possibility of making international calls cheaper than using another service, in addition to processes also shipping to different parts of the world, internet service and sale of goods. Starting from this point, it is key to know what the business is about and how we can get the performance we are looking for.

Develop a business plan

This type of document allows us to gather all the aspects that we need to take into account to start up our call center; from the business mission, to the advertising processes for its launch. In this sense, detailing each aspect we can have an idea of the initial investment we will need to start, even serve as support for potential investors and funding.

To create the business plan you must have included the following:

Local: It will be the area that will occupy our business. You can either rent it or buy it if it is within your possibilities. You must make sure that it is a comfortable space and that it can be adjusted to the business. Therefore you must have a considerable space for the computers and booths.

You should also consider the location. Look for spaces where the flow of people is numerous, a visible place and close to related business areas can be the ideal space.

Permits: As with any business, you’ll need to make arrangements for permits and licenses to operate. Be sure to go in person to your city’s regulatory bodies and agencies to find out what requirements and documents you need to bring with you.

Equipment: To begin with, we can supply ourselves with 3 computers and 4 telephone booths, for example, and if it is within your possibilities, since the profits obtained from the use of a computer will not generate a profit. It is important that you take into account that in the process you will need several computers but also several booths that will increase the income.

A good alternative to increase income is to create parallel businesses, either selling food, beverages, stationery and other products that complement the initial service.

Staff: Although this type of business can be operated mostly by one person, if you have several computers it is convenient to have another person on the premises to assist with the use of computers or sale of products, while the other person is in charge of the cash desk. You will also require cleaning and maintenance of your equipment, so establish a budget for these aspects.

Promotion: The area of advertising is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects, so you must also allocate a part of the budget to make yourself known. Remember to take into account both traditional and digital media, that is, from flyers to forum appearances and social networks to offer your service so that more people can know your business.

Start with your own call center 

Extra tips:

-Make sure you have knowledge of the processes and procedures that your clients will carry out in your business.

-Having a good space can make the difference, because the more computers and booths, the higher the income.

-Offer services related to the initial activity, such as mobile phone repair, consultancy, etc.

-The more services you offer, the higher the quality of your business

-Considers keeping the call centre open 24/7

Requirements to start a call centre

Requirements to start a call centre

A call center is a business that offers the customer multiple communication services abroad and sent abroad, internet service among others, so the first step once the business is registered and updated on administrative matters is to build the services to be offered on your premises, ie, the acquisition of computer equipment, installation of internet for wifi zone and manufacture of booths or international call zones.

Establish your business in an area as central as possible, so that customers can easily access the service and acquire the services that your local offers to the public.

Tips for this purpose cand a call centre

Look to offer consumable products, such as sodas or coffee in the internet zone that will help you perceive an extra range of profit. Having internet zones or access to computer machines to connect can bring several subdivisions to work alternative forms of profit.

Look for the best possible location, near schools, hospitals, business centers or offices, so that you can always see a good amount of customers during the day, this way you will keep the cash flow constant for your business on a daily basis.

Advantages of having this model of a call center

By offering services that are essential, such as communication, shipping and internet services, it becomes a very necessary support business for the public, so you will attract customers smoothly throughout the day, even when your business is closed there will be people who need your services always and at all times, which generates an excellent workflow, being able to perceive good profit margins.

In addition, this is a business that can be transferred between generations, because it represents constant profits for your home and possible investments that can help you grow, by opening your own call center or investing in another business model that you prefer.

Problems that can arise in a call center

This business can be tedious and represent small profit margins, because only a range of services based on rent or profit are offered, which can be very low cost, i.e. it takes many customers to perceive a real profit margin.

You may have security problems due to vandalism or misuse of equipment, leading to problems that can waste your time during working hours, you must be careful with internal regulations of use within the premises.

Success stories of this model

Harryos Locutorio S.l. is a successful company because it contains spaces for telephone calls open to the public, to make local, provincial, national and international calls, as well as to make your shipments and remittances.

Another successful call shop is Locutorio Rafitel S.L. which is a telephone and internet call shop for collecting, sending postal packages and other shipments abroad.