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Flour Mill – Initiation, Features and Benefits

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Start a Flour Factory

In this article, we show you how to make one of the basic ingredients of every kitchen in every home: flour. Without a doubt, it is one of the best selling products in the food market and one that can never be missing when making the shopping list at the supermarket.

That’s why a business like this can reach such profitability in the market and become a project that generates a lot of profits if you take it with a concrete planning, a lot of patience and a lot of love for each step. Stay until the end so you can find out how to start.

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Let’s get started!

First steps of a flour factory 

Carry out a market study that brings you closer to the conditions of the sector, this will allow you to become familiar with your own business, know who your competitors are, identify your target audience, and also know the prices for the product, among other key data for your business. Once you have calculated everything you need, you can acquire your equipment and start operating your business. This will be done with a business plan in which you will detail step by step the activity of your factory.

Once you have all this information, it will be like having the map on which your project will move, so both documents are essential aspects that you can not miss.

How does a flour factory work?

Wheat flour, the only raw material used for baking processes, is obtained from the endosperm, which represents approximately three quarters of the weight of the grain. The technological processing steps are directly affected by the species of grain used, which directly results in the final quality of the product. Two other factors that influence this are the sowing period and the climate of the area.

The most commonly used species is that of soft wheat, all belonging to the species triticum vulgare. On the other hand, we have the triticum durum species, from which the flours for the elaboration of noodles and pasta are made. The second one has an advantage over the first one: it behaves in a more productive way during the elaboration, since the composition of its endosperm allows it, since it is a resistant conformation.

The strong flours, obtained from durum wheat, are rich in protein and ideal for making bread, while the soft flours, which are low in protein, are ideal for biscuits and pastries.

First steps of a flour factory 

Flour processing: How to do it?

The three basic steps to elaborate this indispensable white powder that so many delights allows us to make, are the following: it begins with the cleaning of the wheat and its respective preparation for the later milling, later, the milling of the wheat, which will allow to obtain the flour and finally the mixture, packaging and storage of the final product.

For each of the steps, when setting up a flour factory, the machinery and personnel must be available and the safety and hygiene regulations stipulated by the country of origin must be followed. Quote this equipment and material before starting, this will allow you to calculate the initial investment capital value.

Requirements for setting up my own flour factory

A business like these must comply with all the necessary qualifications and licenses to start making their products. To do this, it consults with the corresponding entity and acquires the necessary documentation to obtain the permits. This includes the registration of the sales factory.

However, as far as the equipment of your business is concerned, the first thing to do is to carry out a study that allows you to define the machinery that you are going to need, the initial material for manufacture, the search for an operating space and even the personnel. Calculating this information and quoting its value will allow you to have the necessary investment capital to get started.

How do I promote my business?

Since you can sell your products to distributors and other businesses that sell the flour, as well as open an operating space where you sell to retail customers, ie people who come to buy in smaller quantities, the promotional channels may vary.

Therefore, we recommend that you have a website through which you can publicize your product, enter their presentations and values, manufacturing information, a section on the entrepreneur, among other key aspects for the market to know you. Don’t forget to hand out flyers and business cards to your clients, take a catalogue of your products and their formats with you so that they start to get to know you.

Tips for setting up your business

Another influential factor in quality is alterations of microbiological origin. These depend on the biochemical composition and physical state of the wheat grain. One thing that can, and does, happen is that the inner part of the grain,

which is the one we will use for the elaboration of the products when assembling a flour factory, is likely to suffer from the proliferation of fungi and mold.

The fungi usually grow during the period of storage, product a gradual process of fatty acidity of the grain, as well as of the loss of the germinative capacities of the grain.

Weaknesses: the problem with these fungi is that they are heat-resistant, so they remain in the product made from flour and stay there for a long time after cooking. Therefore, it is essential to comply with the toxicological standards imposed, especially when it comes to flour for the production of products for children.

Points in favour: we are undoubtedly talking about one of the most widely consumed products on the market, whose variety of possibilities is very wide and therefore constitutes one of the most profitable businesses, especially if we are dedicated to the manufacture and sale of flour.

Make sure you create a quality product, which promises what it fulfills, with a delicious taste that becomes a delicacy in each of the gastronomic preparations that are made.

Start with the planning of your business and grow in the best market, the food market as an independent.