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Business of decoration and adornments for events – Features and Tips

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Start Business of decoration and adornments for events

You’ve always wanted to open your business, but you don’t know how to start, here’s your solution, because if you’re into crafts and decoration, opening an event decorating business should be an idea to consider. You can make festive decorations using material and ideas with Chinese paper decorations, balloons, among other items, taking ideas and above all, putting your imagination and creativity to work.

Knowing how to make money with service businesses

This business idea can be implemented in a physical store or an online store, as you prefer, because when you devote yourself to the development of the articles you may decide on the second option that will allow you to distribute your own products with a very good advertising in which you indicate that you do decorations for events in different places.

Also you can charge extra money for placing yourself the decoration in the place where the activity will be, in addition to this you can also place a delivery service of crafts at home where you only have to invest your time to deliver the order.

There is a great variety of articles that you can make for festivities and celebrations, among them we find Christmas, birthdays, New Year, Easter, Marriages, Baby Showers, Anniversaries, etc, so your sectors are very varied. The ideal is that we can create articles and elements of decoration for all kinds of events, this way we avoid falling into seasonal shopping.

Working material for festive decorations

Another fundamental aspect that you must take into account to start a business like this is the material and tools that are indispensable when making the decorations, so you can not miss them at any time because if you need to lose time to find or buy more. What materials could you need? Among the main ones we find: stationery scissors, glue and silicone, paper of different textures, colors and sizes, brushes, paints, string, crayons, colors, markers and markers, colored ribbons, rulers, pencils, erasers, stickers, frost, among other items that will come with your imagination for each item.

Workplace, permits and legal paperwork for your event business

If you decide to start this work from the comfort of your home, we recommend choosing a space that has very good natural lighting for the preparation of the articles, as well as good ventilation also in case you use chemicals such as aerosols that require the passage of air, because you must be quite careful with them. In addition to light and ventilation, it is preferable that it is a place with restricted access and that you can avoid the passage of children or pets that distract you. All this will help you to concentrate better and come up with wonderful ideas that will impact your audience.

Like any business, even if we start from home, we need to have a series of documents that show us as a legal business to sell our products to other stores, register the name of the company, generate purchase invoices, sell online, etc. Go to the nearest organization to carry out this process and investigate what steps you need to take to have your documents up to date.

Staff and Equipment for the decoration business

When your business starts to grow, you may see the need for extra labor, in case you have seasonal orders, a large order or wish to renew your product catalog. If you decide to hire temporary staff, we recommend that you look for people who have this same affinity so that together you can create inspiring and original ideas.

Promote your business, sales channels for event decorations

As we mentioned, this is a type of business or job that you can start from home or with a physical store, but also selling to decoration shops and stationery stores nearby, so the sales channel may vary according to your preferences and conditions. Pay attention to what you will need in any of the cases:

Virtual sale: For a virtual store, if you do not have knowledge in programming or web development, it will be necessary to hire a person who can take care of the creation of the online store and everything it requires. This person should explain how it works: upload and download products, put pictures, attach text, etc. Selling online does not necessarily imply the creation of an online store, since nowadays you can sell on social networks and online sales platforms such as Amazon, MercadoLibre and others.

Physical store: If you plan to open a physical store, then it will be necessary to be located in a busy place, whether you rent, buy or condition this space in your house.

you will need to have shelves, signs and various ready-made products that you can display. Most likely you will need to have support staff to assist you in serving the public.

Private sale: If neither of the above options is familiar to you, one idea you can consider to reduce operating costs is to sell in another sales channel than your own, so there are stores specializing in these products, stationery stores and warehouses where the items can be sold easily. You will have to contact the owners of these stores to evaluate the possibility of creating this channel and that both parties get their benefit.

Once the above is accomplished, it is time to publicize our business of decoration and ornaments for events and celebrations, for this, it will be necessary to prepare Samples and Dossiers, regardless of the sales channel you have chosen, this is very important because your customers will see in advance the designs you make.

You can start with advertising the business by handing out flyers and leaving advertisements in stores that sell similar items, as well as creating social networks where you can upload photos of your products to make yourself known anywhere.

Start Business of decoration and adornments for events

Requirements to start in Business decoration and decorations for events

This business requires cultivating and educating creativity to present original ideas that stand out from the competition. Another important requirement is to select the niches to work for and offer multiple options in them.

The spaces in which you can open options are in decoration of weddings and anniversaries, conventions and conferences, birthday and family parties, and children’s birthdays, baptisms, baby showers, bachelor parties among others.

Another requirement is to make the portfolio of customers, for this, you need to make a portfolio with photos of the events that have taken place and design a website where people can enter look at the designs and make the service contracts.

It is also required to decide if some equipment will be rented, if at the beginning you do not have the resources for its acquisition, such as helium tanks to fill balloons, arches and columns for weddings, the platforms and the sound and light setting. Then it is important, if demand and profits are high, to invest in this equipment to further increase business profits.

Advantages of having an event decorating business

This business can be set up at a very low investment, because there is no inventory to carry and supplies are minimal. Also, customers who need additional decorations will pay for them.

In high seasons, such as holidays, the demand for these events is high, so there is an opportunity for high profits and no specialized training or licensing is required.  This business can grow at its own pace, through referrals from satisfied customers and word of mouth.

Success stories 

A successful company in this sector is Cordero Atelier, which is an interior design and event organization studio located in Madrid founded after working in other interior design studios. It specializes in the organization and, above all, decoration of events, including weddings, with more production and multiple innovative ideas to choose from. Working for both individuals and companies, organizing or decorating events, advertising campaigns, private parties, weddings or any event in which they can contribute their ideas and creativity.

Dabuten meetups is another successful company that organizes unique meetings which include gastronomy, interior architecture, music, involved with nice people, dabuten people. Its beginnings were also a bit informal, among friends, and the concept had a very high receptivity, which later became necessary to externalize and professionalize it, improving and expanding the team.

Advantages of having an event decorating business

Obstacles that can appear

One of the most important risks for this type of business is to fall into temporary production and focus on sales in this way, as we will only make profits at Christmas time, halloween, etc, which could limit our profits. Ideally, we should expand our offerings and provide clever decorations for birthdays and other events that can take place at any time of the year.

Final recommendation

We recommend you to start with this business in small steps, offering decoration services for small events, such as parties, farewells, celebrations and so on, since you do not need much capital to start and we can start gaining experience in the market. Later, if we see that it offers us a good profitability we can offer Decorations for bigger events like marriages, where the benefit can be very high.

for the organization of these events will be much greater, since in addition to making the decorations, we can also offer advice and even installation service.

Now, are you ready to start your business? Remember to always have patience and perseverance in your pockets, without leaving aside creativity and imagination to design incredible decorations.