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Law Firm – Needs, Requirements and Advice

Start a law firm alone or in partnership

One of the professions most sought after for a long time, has been the legal profession, which have grown significantly in recent years, and although it is believed to be a crowded profession, the fact is that there are still good spaces for the best professionals They are released to the market to offer this important service and now is looking more booming.

Meet here all business related services

We know that this is not a simple process and is why this time we designed this section that tell you everything you need to consider how to open a law firm and grow efficiently, this, with much effort and commitment, because success requires discipline and perseverance.

One of the first things we must do is decide if we start our law firm alone or in partnership and we must have several factors that have to do with improving conditions for launch into the market, such as legal skills level funding (as it is more economical when the costs are shared), capacity for teamwork, among others.

When you first are starting, it is best to start in society, for practicing the profession, paying bills, keeping concerns and others, is too much for one person, even if you think you have the mental strength and motivation to do so, mounts your law firm alone.

Tradename: It is very usual to meet with a law firm that bears the name of the professional, so we recommend you look for a short trade name that focuses on your specialty and make it easy to remember to stay in the memory of your customers.

advisories: It never hurts to ask the help you can, so you should surround yourself with good advisors (such as accountants) and most experienced experts in the market for its recommendations and, above all, consult the doubts you may have.

Analyzes the market: Other law firms

Do some research of the market will enable aspects such as identifying where they are, know its operating model, set competitive prices for your services, create sales strategies, attract clients know their main needs and creating offers on them, between other key factors that determine the growth and progress of a business, so it will be necessary for the second step you is this.

Location looking for a place to install your office

The ideal is to opt for central areas of the city, where you can easily reach many more people, then we could say that there is no established customer profile, as anyone might need your services at any time of life; from a marriage, buying a house, etc.

The place you choose should have a suitable space for your prospective clients, an office with reception, bathroom and a space advisory where you can have a personalized service to your customers. This will be enough, however, if you want to create a law firm with more professional, then we will need more office space.

Equip your law firm

In addition to purchasing or renting office which are installing the law firm, you will require investment in materials, equipment and furniture to accommodate the office, ie the office where you will run your business. Among the items you need to buy you are: desks and chairs, shelves for books, documents and files, computer, telephone, writing materials, printer, chairs for receiving clients, among others.

Law Firm Requirements and Advice

Get the staff and partners of the firm

Among people who work in the office, we need to have a receptionist for the attention of customers and stakeholders. Remember to create a law does not necessarily imply lawyers you start in society, because you can begin your law firm as a professional solo and subsequently integrate more professionals in the team, so we must take into account the partners who will be with and with whom we work as a team for the growth of the law firm.

The first customers for the office, And Promote your business!

One of the hardest steps is to find the first customers, because these businesses need to first win the trust and confidence of the public for stakeholders to start arriving. To achieve this in a first image, we choose to put ourselves in a very visible, in addition to exposing certificates attesting the profession and legality of the service we provide area.

One of the tools you can not put aside, are digital tools, so it will be essential to have a website which is promoted services, contact details, names, etc. In addition to this, you can also create profiles where you stay active social networks promoting your services but also communicating with your followers, uploading images with text related to your medium that is of interest and value to readers.

However, we must focus not only on digital advertising, but also in the traditional, such as distribution of leaflets and warnings and must have business cards that take your customers directly. If you are among your possibilities, promote your business television, newspaper and radio, will be a good way to catch your customers.

Requirements Law Firm

To start this business you must have the respective titles, and be clear about the specialties that will offer to the public. This business is highly competitive and it is important to offer a service that is different from the competition with an aggregate value.

The lawyer should have as quality a communicative attitude, because new technologies have given a new client model. People interact not only with people but also with brands and arguments they buy from the client.

All that the customer needs to know especially in countries where there is greater access to internet, you will see information on the web looking for detailed explanations of good and different and most importantly, benefit and it can get. So a good lawyer should have a website where it is promoted.

Have a web. Not having it is unforgivable.

It is advisable to invest time and money in social networks, because customers are in cyberspace and you have to draw them. It should also give an image of prestige. Therefore, to live in the exercise of the legal profession, we must act as a legal services company. Compete with others, determine the customer, develop a strategy to reach it, and have a proper attitude to grasp when attention is achieved.

Advantages of having this business

Advantages of having this business

The private practice of law can be very lucrative if you know carry and specify the service and value different from the competition. Should carefully select the location of the office, to convey professionalism and credibility.

You can start the business project with colleagues and work cases together, working with partners on the basis of professional criteria rather than friendship. Investing in innovation to build a company brand.

It is important to look at the rates of professional associations to fix the fees against the competition, to make known the services, developing a personal marketing plan to project the profession and business.

The start of the business, build customer and brand is a little slow, but working with professional ethics and solving the cases that come to the satisfaction of the customer, allows the medium and long term to build the firm.

Success stories

A successful company in this field, is Reparatudeuda, which relates to the enforcement of the second chance, which establishes the right of the debtor as an individual, employer and consumer to request cancellation of their debts owed to the banks, credit and third parties.

This kind of advice can be prosecuted from a successful law firm, following a series of specific conditions after they have sought to reach a voluntary payment agreement with creditors not having acted in bad faith. So, this franchise is aimed at entrepreneurs and professionals who are interested in this kind of mediations.

Another successful company is Intedya that has a service offering consulting, training and auditing. is an international company with direct presence in several countries and 3 continents, with customers in over 25 countries, specializing in consulting, training, auditing management systems attached to the rule.

Problems that may arise

Start a law firm can become a task too hard for one person, especially if we consider that in addition to offering one service, also need to have investment money without company and take the risks you might face in team if he had a partner to increase the level of strength and eventually will work in teams, so start a law firm in society can be a good option at the initial stage.

Final recommendation

As mentioned, one of the main aspects that should focus, is to build credibility with your customers. In addition to place you in a visible area, you can resort to other strategies, such as attending business meetings sector, conferences where the name of the office is appointed and to publicize and publish positive experiences of other customers on your website for stakeholders to become aware of your career and efficiency.