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Reeditar Cuentos de Hadas – Consejos de éxito, Funcionamiento y Pasos

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What is re-editing Classics Fairy tales?

Fairy tales are stories ever present in the lives of all children. Thanks to them we have grown with enthusiasm and, if we rely on the theory of experts, such as Bruno Bettelheim, these stories are essential for the person to have a healthy growth from every point of view, as they are fundamental for construction of personality. However, in modern times, it is becoming more difficult to get a child, their own motus, take a book and sit to read, even for a few minutes. Therefore, we invite you to discover a fantastic business, the business of reissuing Fairy Tales and turn them into attractive pieces of reading so that no child can resist.

Fairy tales are the inevitable stories that certainly fail mark our childhood stage. Thanks to this kind of tales have grown full of hope, letting our imagination, and if we rely on the theory of experts, such as Bruno Bettelheim, these stories are essential for the person to have a healthy growth from all viewpoint as they are critical to building not only personality but our senses, imagination and all that is possible to create.

However, today, it is becoming more difficult to get a child, on his own intention, take a book and sit to read even for a few minutes. That is why, if you like the world of fantasy, we invite you to discover further, starting your own business to republish fairy tales and turn them into attractive pieces of reading achieve captivate children and adults who love this kind of literature.

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I operation of the business reissue of fairy tales?

This business idea is to take classic fairy tales for new editions that allow current generations, from the structure of the text, able to relate to this type of literature, interpret and imagine each of the stories that will be embodied in the book.

This is a job to be carried in equipment, so build a good group will be essential to the performance of each section. It’s not about that at the end of each project each of the members perform and deliver the work he has done, but each party must be connected to each other, so that all work regarding making the other. An example of this is that language can not be oblivious to the graphics of the stories, in the sense that, if we use a formal language, graphics or drawings should not be caricatured bases and vice versa.

This allows each of the participants in the project do your part in the process of reissue of classic fairy tales.

What requirements must reissue for your business

Steps to start a business of reissuing classic fairy tales

Now it’s time to take the next step: start building your business step by step, see:

Set the activity: be the first to build and organize the meaning of our activity, which is the reissue of fairy tales. It is on this axis we will begin to build our business gradually. Each of the people working with you, know and work for the benefit of the project.

Search staff: now you know the type of profiles to a business like this, it’s time to find people who will be part of the project. To do this, one of the most practical tools are online platforms where professionals post their resumes, experience and others, in order to find where to offer them. Classified and internal searches from acquaintances, friends or other contacts, channels will be efficient in finding the right equipment. Make sure each of the documents presented are valid and all information provided must be truthful.

Register business: now you set up the activity of your business, you have a team of people to get started and want to take the next step, it’s time to register your company and likewise have all permits and operating licenses required not only as a requirement for your business, but also as one of the best ways to ensure your customers the legality of your activity.

Start creating: it’s time to start developing our project. The first will start with a selection of classic fairy tales, might revolve around a theme, era or an author in particular to start investigating existing issues, while, on the other hand, will be making inquiries to start building the texts with a specific structure that is, which ultimately allow us to attract the attention of the public.

Search editorial: When completed jobs are taken will be the time to start knocking on doors. According to the theme of the reissues we have done, we find publishers that focus on these books, they are who are interested in obtaining and launching texts like these. It is possible that the same publishers will suggest modifications to be released, so you must be attentive to your comments.


Launch Options

To launch your book republished fairy tale, you have two main options that you can choose according to your preferences, conditions, etc. These are:

Editorial launch

can resort to a publishing house, where present them the finished book with illustrations and, if necessary, with any modifications or alterations made. We wait for your response to determine whether conjunction with the launch, bear the costs and the whole process will be done, as this is not always the case.

particularly launch

In this second option, while the publisher is responsible for conducting the respective impressions of the already finished editing your name and located in the printed book, the costs of this process are on your own. This option is the plan B for when the publisher does not accept cover the costs of the reissue. However, note that the total cost of this can be split between the team if they so choose.


For a business like these, the publisher is the one responsible for making the prints and put your name, however, sometimes the cost is borne by the creators. It is important to note that this option is the plan B for when the publisher accepts not cover the cost of republishing. The advantage is that, being the number of members of the project, it is possible to divide the costs of the process together.

What requirements must reissue for your business?


it is essential to use once you have a publishing editions of classic fairy tales to introduce finished the book with artwork and each of its parts lists. Then the answer will wait to see if they agree to take over the costs of launching it.


Ideally count on several profiles of professionals for the process involving the business of reissuing classic fairy tales, among them are:

Editor / Writer

but although ideally the person to play in both fields may specialize only in one of them. This person will read the original story, no edits from, then it will compare with the issues that exist, only some of them, which may be among the oldest to the most modern to start creating a new edition.


This professional will know the focus needed to give children start to be interested in stories and stories that will be in the book and that, in turn, take out acquiring profit teachings of every story they read. The psychologist will be the axis around which revolves around the rest of the squad work, because it is who will provide the guidelines of organization, structure and writing the classic fairy tales.


the task of this professional will be to investigate the effects of language in the brain and thus be able to find the right words for age at which the project of reissuing classic fairy tales is directed, this will strengthen the text to your interests and thus a relationship between the story and the reader to catch your attention is established.


or also known as an illustrator, who will be plasmará images and graphics, what the story is saying. It is so according to this relationship, the images must be in keeping with the tone of the written text. To do this, one of the essential professionals that should be in contact is with the psychologist, who will help.

Location location

While not talking about a business that is open to the public, the truth is that you do need to have a place of operation in which, if not always, at the least can realize meetings to present progress with staff business republication. If it is a space for everyone, ideally have a space that lets you install cubicles for each of the members or an office or area where they can meet comfortably and quietly, talk about the projects they undertake.

Job material

if you count with a physical office or mount plan, you should also take into account everything you need to condition the space according to needs. However, keep in mind that it is a business that can perform individually from home, where you need a computer, printer, office supplies, a good Internet connection and telephone.

Knowledge and skills

besides the material, the essential is knowledge of the different areas we need to start a business of reissuing classic fairy tales. Therefore you need to know about spelling, grammar, setting texts, creating and editing images, as well as knowing resources and tools that allow us to provide better quality in each of them. There are many platforms that allow us to modify, fix, add items and generally perform any adjustments in any kind of content, which will be crucial and we need to include in our list of needed.

Pitching options to the market Reissue Classics

Pitching options to the market Reissue Classics

There are two main options for the market hauls republished book. Here’s the detail:

Editorial: You should attend a publisher present the finished book, with illustrations and everything and wait for their response to see if they agree to take care of launch costs.

Pay Costs: In this case, the publisher is responsible for making the prints and put your name, but the cost runs yours account. This option is the plan B for when the publisher does not accept cover the costs of the reissue. The advantage is that, being the number of members of the project costs be divided among all.

Key tips to undertake this business

After learning about the operation of this business and all you need to keep in mind to start, time to key analyze tips that are sure will be of great help in any part of the process so that you get the best benefits of your project to republish stories classic fairy.

Look for people who have the same goals. We know that starting a project like this is not easy, because teamwork is always complex and care. It is therefore necessary that all focus on the same goals and accordingly, conduct the business.

Having certifications and documents that can demonstrate the professionalism of your business as well as the experience of each of the members, will be a plus to add credibility and prestige to your project before publishing.

Even if you decide to start this business idea alone, ideally count on help from other professionals, such as an editor or proofreader, a graphic designer, experts writing and spelling, child psychologists, and others that will be of great value in the construction of the reissues.

Weak points:one of the most important challenges that we must consider when starting a business like this, taking into account the activity and the type of audience, is that at present the reading level has been falling, so love and attract new readers will be key. To do this, innovation and creativity are essential elements that will allow you to call the attention of the target audience for such texts.

Points in favor:this business allow the entrepreneur to have the freedom to choose their hours of activity, since it is not subject to time availability required to deliver a product or service to potential customers. However, do not forget that discipline is essential and that a project like this requires a lot of attention. In addition, you do not need large sums of money to get started and your team is chosen by yourself.

Are you a lover of classic fairy tales? It’s time to start your business today, then you will find out a lot of children and adults waiting for new editions of the old stories.