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Plastic Trainers School – Requirements, clients and characteristics

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Start a Plastic Trainer’s School

The plastic arts, like any other form of art, are taking an overwhelming role in educational centers, both formal and informal. Given the finding by the most avant-garde psychologists about the benefits of art in the Human Being, especially in its stage of formation and growth, is that schools have begun to use it, or if not, the same parents get a center dedicated exclusively to this discipline for their children to complement their formal education, with education for the creative spirit. In this way, it turns out that a School of Plastic Trainers is an important business area in which you can enter, knowing that there will never be a lack of clients.

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Clients of a School of Plastic Trainers

The people who will be our clients are those who have the following characteristics:

People in Search of a Career: when you finish your secondary education, it is time to look for a profession or activity to devote yourself to in life and live from it. Therefore, people between 18 and 20 years old will be a part of the clientele of the School of Plastic Educators.

People in Search of an Activity that Complements their Work: many people with routine jobs and, especially part-time, feel the need to do something else in their life that complements their not-so-creative daily activity. A School for Plastic Trainers gives these people a chance to reclaim their position in society and do something with their heart.

People Who Want to Change Jobs: In most cases, people get bored with their jobs over the years. The good news is that more and more people are daring to train in something new, whether it is something they have always liked, or something they are just discovering, and are embarking on the adventure of discovering the benefits of a rewarding and comforting activity.

Retired People in Search of a Renewal Activity: The age of retirement or retirement from work, while it is the same as always, is currently finding active people, who what they least want in their lives is to retire to do nothing all day. Therefore, retirement generates new workers; workers who, by acquiring a new training, re-integrate into society from a new occupation.

It is very important that each person who signs up for the School of Plastic Trainers is clear that they must have a very strong teaching profile and preferably like children, as they will be the majority of their audience, unless they set up their own workshop for adults.

Clients of a School of Plastic Trainers

Requirements to Open a School of Plastic Trainers

Permits: you will need to officially open your School of Plastic Trainers and apply for the authorization and recognition of the Ministry of Education, so that graduates have the possibility of getting good jobs.

Premises: you need to have a spacious physical premises, in a central location and with all the equipment so that the training can be carried out satisfactorily.

Job Centre: although it is not an indispensable requirement in a School of Plastic Trainers, it is very convenient to offer it, since it will give you a greater number of clients, since they will know that they will get a job through your institute.

Advantages of having a School of Plastic Trainers

A school for plastic trainers represents an advantage in the sense that an important space is given to the arts which, as neuroscience has shown, art in education constitutes an important means for human development in general.

It is a business that has a broad social contribution, because it contributes to the configuration of a subject that uses all its cognitive, sensory, perceptive, motor, affective and social skills, which are evident in processes of creation, enjoyment and appreciation of the environment.

With the creation of the school, the participation of children, young people or adults in artistic practices is incorporated, which favour new and varied forms of observing, representing, knowing, feeling, living together, doing, understanding and interpreting reality.

Requirements to Open a School of Plastic Trainers

Tips for starting a School of Plastic Trainers

There are many self-taught artists in the world, but teaching the arts is a very profitable business because very often there are people interested in learning from professionals. Another important reason to set up a school of visual arts is that the target is very broad, since there is no particular age to start learning.

One of the tips is to have a capital, start the project of the art school, to pay for the rent or purchase of the facilities, the staff of the professionals in plastic arts to be hired,

taxes, records, instruments and tools, among others.  However, being a school where there will be many students, the return on investment is relatively fast.

Problems that can arise in a School of Plastic Trainers

One of the problems that can be faced when creating a school of plastic trainers is that the arts in general are considered important only because of their instrumental and welfare character, since they involve manual work or their possibilities for enjoyment and recreation.

Another problem is that the visual arts are relegated to extracurricular activities that do not respond to transcendental educational purposes in the curriculum. This can also be seen in the profile of those who teach it with a minimum weekly workload, the scarce participation of directors and teachers in artistic activities.

In many cases, the teachers who teach them do not have the specific skills to promote these spaces for recreation or enjoyment, so the quality of the artistic experiences and activities that are carried out can be compromised in their credibility.

Success stories of a School of Plastic Trainers

One of the most successful schools in Spain is the Artediez School, which is a public centre in Madrid with a great experience in teaching plastic arts and design. The school is very old, was created in 1907 as the tenth section of the School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid. Within the artistic teachings of Design, there are classes of Graphic Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design and Fashion Design. In addition, this School of Arts and Crafts teaches plastic arts, history of art and visual arts, after passing an entrance exam.

Arteneo, is another successful, private art school in Madrid that is dedicated to training professionals in various subjects related to drawing, 3D art and animation, digital and traditional illustration, graphic design, publishing and advertising, digital image and painting, infoarchitecture and interior design, video games, 3D digital sculpture.

It has the advantage of a wide variety of schedules since, in addition to classroom training, people can be trained online, without geographical or time barriers.

They grant the Specialization Degrees in 3D Art, Illustration and Drawing, Professional Degree in Traditional and Digital Illustration and Professional Degree in 3D Animation Film and Video Games, as well as a Master’s Degree in Portfolio Creation, Design and Graphic Design and Digital Painting.