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Rural home business – Step by step, investment and benefits

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Starting the cottage business

The current situation of uncertainty about the future of employment together with the increase in unemployment has forced a rethinking of new business options. Some people have seen rural tourism as an escape route from the big city and also as an open door to self-employment. This, taking into account that it is the rural environment that is sought to rest from the urban world.

Of tourism you can have your business, look at everything here

What you need to get started, how it works, how you can set up your business, tips, advantages and more, we tell you in today’s post, where you will find everything you need to know to get started and much more.

Steps to follow to set up a rural house

The current situation of uncertainty about the future of employment together with the increase in unemployment has forced a rethinking of new business options. Some people have seen rural tourism as an escape route from the big city and also as an open door to self-employment.

To start up a rural house one can start from three different options: recovering an old village house, buying one or fitting out a residence one already owns. The accommodation can be complemented with other related services such as a small restaurant serving typical local dishes, or the organization of courses and outdoor activities; rafting, hiking, cycling or water sports that serve to attract a greater number of customers.

There are currently more than 14,500 rural houses in Spain, overnight stays in rural tourism accommodation have increased by 25% and students are increasingly orienting their tourism training towards the rural environment.

Here you have some steps that can help you to undertake in a rural tourism business:

Lower investment than investing in the city

In a town you have houses at a very good price and surely some reform company willing to fix it at a considerable price, this will make it more economical to invest in your business. Portals like Idealista have large houses, which with a reform and good taste can leave a cozy and perfect business for their customers. You can also choose to buy a rural house already assembled and at a good price.

Aid for entrepreneurs

There are Ministry of Industry bodies such as Emprendetur that have approved aid for entrepreneurs in rural tourism. This aid is part of the National and Integral Tourism Plan and is aimed at people under 40 years of age. They offer 100% financing for projects not exceeding one million euros.

Benefits of living in nature

Having a business wherever it is requires a great deal of effort, but it is true that there are those who seek to change their air, their lifestyle and live in a more peaceful environment. If you decide to create a business like a rural house, you will no longer have to face big traffic jams, long distances and you will be able to grow what you eat next to your house.

Starting the cottage business

Possibility of association between businesses to offer additional services

The rural houses can be associated, for example, with a cheese factory to visit it; or cheese factories that expand their business with rural tourism rooms, with hiking companies, and other types of activities.

There is a demand for rural tourism accommodation 

INE data point to an increase in national and international tourism that prefers to stay in rural tourism accommodation. Perhaps your doubt lies in the profitability of the business, and here, this is like everything else. It will depend on how you manage it. More and more people decide to spend their holidays in a quiet and more rural environment, wanting to forget the noise and the rush that the city gives us every day.

First steps in the rural house business

The first thing you must take into account is that to start up a rural house you can start from three different options: recover an old village house, buy one or fit out a residence you already own. The accommodation can be completed with other related services such as a small restaurant where typical local dishes are served, or the organization of courses and outdoor activities; rafting, hiking, cycling or water sports that serve to attract a greater number of customers.

Make sure you create a website from which you can find your audience. A good way to do this is by accessing tourism portals where you can publish your rural home, as well as social networks, travel forums and other spaces where interested communities meet. Take quality photos highlighting the best of your house to attract the attention of your potential customers and, when you have the first ones, do not hesitate to share their experiences on your website.

How a rural house works 

This business idea proposes to set up a house in the rural world, which can serve as accommodation for individuals, families, companies, couples and others

according to the availability of rooms and spaces, to spend a few days of rest away from the noise of the city and cars. It is a business idea that is becoming stronger and stronger with the need for rest and tranquility, so it becomes one of the best options for those who are encouraged by ventures like this.

Currently there are more than 14,500 rural houses in Spain, overnight stays in rural tourism accommodation increased by 25% and students are increasingly orienting their tourism training towards the rural environment.

How a rural house works 

Requirements for rural business

The first and most obvious thing is the achievement of the house. For this it is necessary that, if you do not have a rural house of your property that you can use, arrange and condition to open your business, you start looking for it. To do this, make sure you look for a place that has easy access and many visible areas to walk to or enjoy the stay to make your customers fall in love. Then, you will have to condition it according to the number of rooms and the arrangements that need to be made to the surroundings.

Remember that you cannot launch your business without first applying for the operating permits and licenses to have everything in order in all matters relating to documentation and other legal procedures. In this sense, and according to the regulation of businesses like this one, it will be necessary that you count on the advice of a lawyer who will facilitate you the contract forms, in which the rules of use and the conducts not allowed inside the house are, so that your clients are informed about everything.

Don’t forget that the maintenance of the house and its areas must be permanent, so you will need to have support staff to keep everything in order, which also implies carrying out correct hiring processes with the people who work with you.

Tips to make money with the rural business 

You can research in the market and with government entities, grants for entrepreneurs that allow you to save money and time in various management of your project. There are Ministry of Industry bodies such as Emprendetur that have approved aid for entrepreneurs in rural tourism. This aid is part of the National and Integral Tourism Plan and is aimed at people under 40. They offer 100% financing for projects not exceeding one million euros.

INE data point to an increase in national and international tourism that prefers to stay in rural tourism accommodation. Perhaps some doubts may arise regarding the profitability of the business, and here, this is like everything else; it will depend on how it is managed.

More and more people decide to spend their holidays in a quiet way and in a more rural environment, wanting to forget the noises and the rush that the city gives us day by day.

Weak points: the initial investment, taking into account the search for the house, the conditioning and maintenance, could be points against if you have a reduced capital, since all these processes require money to be carried out. However, with a good promotion in the different tourism platforms, social networks and web pages, you could obtain a return on your investment in a short time.

Pros: in a town there are usually houses at a very good price, and surely some renovation company willing to manage at a considerable price, this will make it cheaper to invest in the business. Portals like Idealista have big houses, which with a reform and good taste, can leave a cozy and perfect business for all your customers. You can also choose to buy a rural house already set up and at a good price.

Having a business, wherever it is, requires a great deal of effort, but it is true that there are those who are looking for a change of air, of lifestyle and to live in a more peaceful environment. If you decide to create a business as a rural house, you will no longer have to face big traffic jams, long distances and you will even be able to grow what you eat next to your house.