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Open a general advice business to youtube – Tips, strengths and more

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Start the business advisory Youtube

Currently, one of the social networks more boom is YouTube and not just because it is one of the platforms preferred to follow our favorite artists, but also has become an ideal space where we can learn a lot of interesting topics or follow people who create content on information and topics of interest. We can find youtubers with themes for all tastes and styles, from makeup to social issues, crafts, entrepreneurship, personal growth, sports, nutrition, among others.

No need to invest to create a business

So how we can enter and start a profitable business? But if you have knowledge on issues such as lighting, content creation, oral expression, body language, digital marketing, knowledge of specific topics, among others related, you can offer your advice to future youtubers who are starting.

Start the business advisory Youtube

Running the business with YouTube

If you have expertise on issues related to lighting, creating content, oral and body expression, digital marketing, photography, design, among others that are directly related to creating content on YouTube, then you can participate in this sector.

So how to open my business advisory youtubers? The idea is that according to your field of knowledge, think counseling service oriented content creators or also known as youtubers, who often require such guides, whether they are starting or have field on the platform.

In the following we will see what are the key requirements to start, step by step, tips, among other information useful for you. Let’s see.

Advisory business requirements on Youtube

The first thing you need and most importantly will be your knowledge and skills in the specific area that you convert your raw material to sell to your customers. Your knowledge must be updated, especially at a time where technology makes all things new. You can take courses and training when you think necessary, to improve the content of your service.

Now, more than customers, people who purchase our services should become closer friends and people to build confidence among them and thus achieve more business in the future, when the youtuber has achieved what wanted in the field. This also will generate positive references to other YouTubers future they know in the middle, which will expand your possibilities.

Define your type of advice

As we saw, there are many options when making advice in this field. If you focus mostly on one of them or have a desire to learn, this is the right time to start and consolidate the subject of counseling.

Go to your target audience

You can find them within the same platform. Focus on the subject you want and in this way begin to see youtubers that are already beginning which can offer your advice. Remember leaning towards the topics of your interest, find youtubers track.

Establishes the payment process

A good way to determine how much gain is to gather work for hours and make a charge for every hour that you offer counseling to-face or online level, whichever you prefer. Remember that this is only one way, and it may depend on the subject or phase of the process.

Proposes the creation of company

According to the types of advice and how you offer this information, I’ll turn it into a temporary short or long temporal process in which you are required not only for several youtubers but also for long periods. This is a good opportunity to build a business online advice on various aspects that may be needed.

¿Physical or online?

This depends on whether you want to focus on future youtubers in your city, although we know that in the case of these platforms, you could have customers from all anywhere, so apply the ‘less is more’. First concentrate on a few youtubers future, or at the least the closest to begin with and then you can link you with others from different countries.

Adds value

Like any business, customers will be happy if they offer something more than they planned no additional cost, indeed this point has become one of the most important advantages and aspects for the market in general. What you can do is offer a basic guide you compose on a particular topic, any audiovisual resource or a first free consultation, which will certainly be happy if your client is starting.

Inconveniences that may arise

You may find you with youtubers who are not interested in receiving them such advice because they do not fit. In this sense, the best strategy is to show them how beneficial it is for them and how they need to enhance their channels, as well as implementing new services that maybe they did not expect to receive surprise.

Recommendations to start Advisory Youtube

How do I find my customers? You can use the same platform to meet your customers first. The key is to focus the subject we want, that is, the field of interest, so you will be much easier to filter the channels that interest us and so identify the need our advice, we will solve. For example, if your specialty is photography, you can go to channels that require the best shots, for example those that focus on travel.

On the other hand, according to the types of advice and how you offer this information, I’ll turn it into a temporary short or long temporal process in which you are required not only for several youtubers but also for long periods. This is a good opportunity to build a business online advice on various aspects that may be needed. We recommend you start with few customers, since it will take time to work on each project.

Weak points:Like any business, start is not easy, especially in a field with so much movement. That is why the main challenge will be to convince of the need for your service to people who are starting on YouTube or, stay active promoting your services, it will take a long time. To this is added you need to devote considerable time to each project.

You may find you with youtubers who are not interested in receiving them such advice because they do not fit. In this sense, the best strategy is to show them how beneficial it is for them and how they need to enhance their channels, as well as implementing new services that maybe they did not expect to receive surprise.

Points in favor:one of the best advantages of this business idea is that you can choose whether you ride physically or online. However, this depends on whether you want to focus on future youtubers in your city, although we know that in the case of these platforms, customers could be anywhere, so apply the ‘less is more’. First concentrate on a few youtubers future, or at the least the closest to begin with and then you can link you with others from different countries.

Today begins your business and earn money with one of the most important Internet platforms today.